Minimap art kit

The Minimap art kit stands out from the rest of the series of art kits, as it’s the only one of its kind,
allowing you to create maps and parchments in the style of of old treasure maps.
This art kit comes with the base Fantasy art kit for free, or you may purchase it by itself.

Shown below are a few examples of it’s contents, actual sizes are much larger.
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Above is a small portion of the exterior tile symbols, many more are found in this art kit, arranged into two sets: brand new look and worn/distressed look. The parchment seen is also part of the art kit, found in many sizes and variations

[image=”” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″ align=”center”]

Above are a selection of map symbols, meant to show key locations on a map or mark off any traps, keys, locks, treasure etc. There are 3 types of these found in the art kit, each with 3 sets of sizes: outline, flat colors and realistic.

[image=”” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″ align=”center”]

Above are some of the compass symbols found in this art kit, they all come in sets of 3 sizes.

[image=”” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″ align=”center”]

Above is an example of a dungeon level layout, created using tiles found in this art kit.

[image=”” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″ align=”center”]

Above is a selection of misc artwork that is also found in this art kit, scrolls, letters and open & closed books, to add details to any rpg campaign. Use the books to add your own texts and sketches for example, and hand them out to your players.

List of contents for the Minimap art kit:

Blank books, open and closed:
Large closed book, various colors x 11
Large open books, various colors x 7
Medium closed book, various colors x 11
Medium open books, various colors x 10
Compass, various shapes and sizes x 14
Envelopes for letters, various x 8

Map symbols, colored:
chest x 2
Door x 2
Key x 2
Padlock x 1
Skull x 2
Stair x 1
Trap x 2

Map symbols, detailed:
Chest x 4
Door x 2
Key x 2
Padlock x 1
Scroll x 4
Skull x 2
Stair x 2
Trap x 2

Map symbols, outline:
Chest x 2
Door x 2
Key x 2
Padlock x 1
Skull x 2
Stair x 1
Trap x 2

Map text symbols:
Various texts to be placed onto maps x 21
Very large size parchments(approx 3-5000 pixels width/height) x 10
Large size parchments(approx 1-3000 pixels width/height) x 21
Medium size parchments(approx 1-3000 pixels width/height) x 14
Small size parchments(approx 1000 pixels width/height) x 15
Scrolls, various types x 7

Tilesets, both regular/new and worn/old type:
Exterior map tiles, new(houses, towns, cities, forts, castles, terrains and more) x 190
Interior map tiles, new(hallways, rooms, corridors, doors and more) x 308
Exterior map tiles, old(houses, towns, cities, forts, castles, terrains and more) x 190
Interior map tiles, old(hallways, rooms, corridors, doors and more) x 308