CategoriesArtwork Fantasy art kit Project Updates

Base Fantasy art kit preview

I’ve put together a new preview, of tokens created recently. This preview shows medium sized versions of the tokens. The final base Fantasy art kit, and the addon art kits will contain 3 sets of graphics: one small set, one medium set and one large set meant for printing purposes.

Seen here are the Naga archer, the Hippogriff and the Naga Spellcaster:


So far, 70-80 animal/creature/monster/character tokens have been created for the base Fantasy art kit. This week I finished the undead tokens and I’m moving onto the various Dragon tokens today and this weekend. I hope these previews ease your minds, showing that there is actually artwork being made for your money 🙂 I’m really looking forward to releasing the base Fantasy art kit to you all,once it’s completed.

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